
Is cry-dancing a thing? I’m making it a thing: an SMS review of Yaeji at the Opera House

Yaeji graced the Opera House stage, and we got the txt msg blow-by-blow as Tanya and Ella kept each other apprised of their feelings in real time lol.

Woman x Machine: Angela Goh’s Uncanny Valley Girl

Uncanny Valley Girl by Angela Goh plucks us from this world, and repositions us in a parallel dimension at Liveworks 2018.

Find out what you’re made of at The Public Body .03

We are more than just a body and a mind – we are an assemblage of desires, pharmaceuticals, and objects. This is the weirdness that confront us at The Public Body .03

REVIEW: ‘FEAST’ and Failure at Roller Door Projects

“Moreish movements, fresh emerging artists and marinated ideas” it’s Roller Door Projects’ debut exhibition, FEAST.

Grime on the sails: Skepta takes the Opera House underground

Less of a performance, and more of a coup – Skepta storms the Opera House setting a new high-grime mark for the genre in Aus.

Exhibition: SUPERNATURAL and the thrill of the unreal

White Rabbit Gallery walks the line between the terrifying and the thrilling with their new exhibition, SUPERNATURAL.

Big Screen: Isle of Dogs

For a movie about animated mutts, Wes Anderson’s latest creation is surprisingly human.

Big Screen: The Square

Directed by Ruben Östlund, the 2017 winner of the film industry’s most celebrated award is so art-house it’s literally set in a museum.

Big Screen: Lady Bird

A semi-autobiographical love letter to her hometown, Lady Bird sees Greta Gerwig reveal herself as an exciting new cinematic voice.

Big Screen: Sweet Country

Since his debut ‘Samson & Delilah’, Warwick Thornton has channelled his energy into films that are proudly, powerfully Aboriginal. His latest is a potent reminder of our conflicted past.