Culture Guide :: anonymous portraiture, loose literature and a cut & paste of amazing entertainment…

March 24th 2014

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Why’s everyone walking around like Monday is the end of the world?!

The weekend is only the beginning and there’s plenty more going on throughout Sydney this week. Fortunately for you, FBi’s culture guide has sifted through it to bring you the best of arts, culture and general happenings around town…


Monday 24th :: It’s a collage of entertainment…

Cut and PAste is exactly what it sounds like; a wonderful melange of talent from across all disciplines (and undoubtedly a few un-disciplines too!) There’s no describing what might happen so why don’t I just list who’ll be there…

Smart Casual (Arguably Australia’s smartest, most casual musical comedy duo), Holly Austin (Actor. Singer. Beat Boxer. Clown. Enough said), Annaliese Constable (Recently drowned a mouse. Aside from sadistic acts she is also a writer), Tom Hogan aka Scott Sandwich (Performance Poet. Has been to Finland more than once), Penny Greenhalgh (Writer/Performer and Philippe Gaulier graduate), Jen Carnovale (Stand up comic with 4 star reviews from Sydney Time Out Sydney & she’s big in Estonia), Skye Gellmann (Artist and Acrobat. Yep. We said acrobat).

Oh and they’re promising a non-meaty raffle and at least 3 Surprises!

WHAT: Cut & Paste
WHERE: Giant Dwarf, 199 Cleveland Street.
WHEN: 7.30pm
HOW MUCH: $20 +bf (from Eventbrite)


Tuesday 25th :: Getting Loose with Literature..

The wonderful art of the written word is a thing to be celebrated, and that’s exactly what happens every month at Loose Leaf Literature, presented by Glebe’s Mr Falcons. Come along and see poets, prose writers, lyricists and any manner of combination of these and more! March’s loose leafers include Tim Kent (AKA Stackhat), Michael Aiken, Keely Starr, Shayne Hunter and tonight’s musical guest is Hamish “Yeti” Brown

WHAT: Loose Leaf Literature
WHERE: Mr Falcons, 92 Glebe Point Rd, Glebe
WHEN: 7pm

loose leaf literature

Wednesday 26th :: Deus ex Camera

Trent Parke has turned the eye of his camera streetward and captured the faces of anonymous strangers in a compelling chronicle of contemporary Australia. Whilst all the subjects of The Camera is God are anonymous their is a strange familiarity to the images, an almost recognisable quality, like they are friends half glimpsed from across the road…

WHAT: The Camera is God by Trent Parke
WHERE: Stills Gallery, 36 Gosbell Street, Paddington


Thursday 27th :: Take in the Big Picture

The Big Picture Film Festival is a unique collection of documentary and narrative fiction films focussed around issues of social inequality and justice. Focussed on the idea that involvement, passion and commitment can bring about positive change, the festival presents stories from around the world to inspire…

Tonight the festival heads to Liverpool with Rise of the Eco Warriorsconfronting deforestation in Borneo and Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls about the trials of Burma’s first girl group.

WHAT: The Big Picture Film Festival
WHERE: Liverpool Event Cinema, Rooftop Level Westfield shopping Centre, Elizabeth Drive
WHEN: Rise of the Eco Warriors, 6.30 & Miss Nikki and the Tiger Girls, 8.30
HOW MUCH: $18 ($15 conc)


Friday 28th ::



Don’t forget to tune in to Arvos on FBi for more Culture Guide– each weekday at 4:30pm


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