Independent Artist of the Week: Fisheye FM

August 11th 2023

Photo via Fisheye FM

  • :: on The Bridge with Luke Joseph

When love, connection and creative freedom collide, they give us musical duo and FBi’s Independent Artist of the Week, Fisheye FM. They joined Luke Joseph on The Bridge to talk through their love/origin story.

Meeting at first in high school, Rachelle and Angelo were a couple before they became a musical duo. 

“I didn’t think that love and music was something we could mix. But I found my best friend in this too.” 

The pair have found that coming together has allowed each of them the safe space they needed to create freely.  

“I always did music by myself. I never found anyone I could be comfortable with musically. And then I found Angelo. Even now I feel uncomfortable doing music with him but thankfully he creates a space for me to feel comfortable and relaxed and I feel like I can fully express myself.” 

But what’s unique about Fisheye FM. is that their discography showcases an artful balance of both feminine and masculine energy. With a tight and focused discography featuring classic RnB beats combined with high energy pop melodies, their sound is always fun and lighthearted. 

“I’ve always called his music pretty boy music. You always feel good about yourself listening to it.” 

Rachelle and Angelo cover a vast range of genres. So much so that they feel they’re their own radio station, hence the ‘fm’ portion of Fisheye FM. The ‘fisheye’ part comes from a date in Chatswood to pick up a fisheye lens, on a mission to pad out their music-scape with a visual identity. 

From the origins of the name, to how they came together, their music practice and the final product, Fisheye FM feel organic, boundryless and effortless.

“[Making music for us is] definitely something that’s spontaneous. It’s not something that we’re able to plan out and I think that’s the beauty in the music and the art.” 

Keep a keen eye out for Fisheye FM because they’re sure to be making waves across the Sydney music scene and beyond. You can listen back to their full interview with Luke Joseph up top, or stream their latest song ‘MR. LONELY’ below. 


Read more from Dani Zhang