Big Screen :: Fury

Fury is one of those movies where horrible people to horrible things to even more horrible people. It’s grim and humourless and gory. Okay?

Big Screen :: Gone Girl

You don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone, as the film Gone Girl uncovers. Our movie guy Sam Clark reviewed this edge-of-your-seat thriller – but don’t worry, he’s not giving too much away!

Big Screen :: The Infinite Man

That moment when a date turns sour, and you wish you could just go back in time and do it over – properly. Australian film, The Infinite Man, unpacks this when an anniversary weekend away goes terribly wrong, check out Sam Clark’s review!

Big Screen :: Boyhood

Boyhood is a film that wholly encompasses growing up, and was literally filmed over the course of the main character’s life. And it took our movie guy Sam Clark on a nostalgic journey of his own. A must see.

Big Screen :: 20,000 Days On Earth

Our film guy Sam Clark watched the new Nick Cave movie even though it wasn’t the Nic Cage movie he has originally thought it would be. So this review is not about Nic Cage. Or is it?

Big Screen :: The Expendables 3

Clearly there’s a lot of fading action heroes out there with bills to pay, but that doesn’t mean The Expendables 3 is a terrible movie. It’s just exactly what you think, and you already know if you’re going to enjoy it…

Big Screen :: Snowpiercer

Snowpiercer is a tale of social revolution wrapped up in the guise of an action-blockbuster. Once you get past the perpetual motion locomotive, it’s quite a good watch…

Big Screen :: Charlie’s Country

Charlie’s Country illustrates a dilemma found in remote indigenous communities Australia wide. David Gulpilil and Rolf De Heer explore the connection to country and competing ties with the encroaching Europeanised world…

Big Screen :: Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

“Like in real life there are no goodies and baddies; just people on both sides who are smart, peaceful and forgiving and people who are dumb, damaged and violent. And it’s always the dumb ones who who seek out the guns.”

Big Screen :: The Rover

The Rover is a gritty, bleak, post-apocalyptic vision of a world in which even Robert Pattinson can pull off a believable acting performance…